Friday, February 17, 2017

history of food for humans

Around one million years ago, most of the human diet came from gathering and scavenging. Homo erectus used stone tools, however, so occasionally a tribe brought down a large beast to add meat to its diet. By the time of the Neanderthals, around 300,000 years ago, hunting became a primary source of protein for early humans. Those not involved in the hunt would gather fruits, vegetables, roots and nuts to round out their diet.
The major change in human diet occurred around 10,000 years ago with the development of agriculture. Domestication and cultivation of wild grains led to a significant increase in the calories available to humans, increasing the population and removing the need for every group member to spend most of his time acquiring food. This, in turn, led to the establishment of civilization and the growth of human society, paving the way for further technological and scientific development.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Football fever in India. .

Football is a game famous in whole world but it is hardly seen in India. Indian football team is good playing well but steel need to improve. They don't have much facilities. Past few years  it is going to improve. But steel it is not as famous as cricket and hockey. So new football players is hardly found..
 But lot of people playing this on video gaming. And in android mobile game.. I am from one of them.  I watch football match but not interested in playing ral life. I m sowing this video because we need to improve in this game and most of people should play this game to make India strong in this game. .

Share this video to motivate people about this game and make Indian team much strong and wish to qualify for  next FIFA world cup. .
Thank you for your support. .

Sunday, January 15, 2017

आम का सादा अचार (Mango Pickle Recipe)

Hi guys., In this post I will show you a mathod of mango pickle recipes. ..

आमों का मौसम है, बाजार में कच्चे पके आम खूब मिल रहे हैं, आम का अचार तो सभी की पसन्द है, और ये अचार इसी समय बना कर रखे जा सकते हैं, आम का अचार कई तरीके से बनाया जाता है, आज हम आम का अचार छोटे छोटे टुकड़े काट कर बनायेंगे. हम खाते समय अधिकतर थोड़े से अचार का ही उपयोग करते हैं और छोटे अचार के टुकड़े खाने में बहुत आसानी होती है.

3-4 बार पानी बरस जाय तब अचार डालें, आम का स्वाद और अच्छा हो जाता है, इसलिये अचार का स्वाद भी बढ़ जाता है, और अचार ज्यादा टिकाऊ भी होता है. अचार बनाने के लिये आप आम खरीदते समय यह ध्यान अवश्य दीजिये, कि जो आम आप अचार के लिये ले रहे हैं वह रेशे वाला आम न हो (रेशे वाले आम का अचार अधिक स्वादिष्ट नहीं बनता), और दूसरी किसी भी आम में कोई खराबी न हो, तो आइये आम का अचार बनाना शुरू करें.

आवश्यक सामग्री - Ingredients for Mango Pickle
कच्चे आम - 1 किग्रा (8-10)
सरसों का तेल - 200 ग्राम ( 1 कप)
हींग - एक चौथाई छोटी चम्मच
नमक - 100 ग्राम ( 5 टेबल स्पून,  या 1/3 कप)
हल्दी पाउडर - 50 ग्राम( 2 टेबिल स्पून)
लाल मिर्च पाउडर - 1- 2  टेबल स्पून
सोंफ - 50 ग्राम (4 टेबल स्पून)
मैंथी - 50 ग्राम (4 टेबल स्पून)
पीली सरसों (mustarad) - 50 ग्राम ( 4 टेबल स्पून)
लाल मिर्च पाउडर -  2 छोटी चम्मच

विधि - How to mango Pickle Recipe
आमों को साफ पानी से धोकर 12 घन्टे के लिये पानी में भिगो दीजिये.  आमों को पानी से निकालिये, और उनका पानी सुखा लीजिये.

आमों को चाकू से छोटे छोटे टुकड़े करते हुये काट लीजिये.

सौंफ, पीली सरसों और मैथी को दरदरा पीस लीजिये.

कढ़ाई में तेल डालकर अच्छी तरह गरम कर लीजिये.  गैस बन्द कर दीजिये.  दरदरे पिसे मसाले तेल में डाल दीजिये,  हींग डाल दीजिये, ह्ल्दी पाउडर, और कटे हुये आम डाल कर मिला दीजिये, नमक और लाल मिर्च पाउडर डाल दीजिये, चमचे से चलाते हुये आम और मसाले को अच्छी तरह मिला दीजिये, अचार को 5 मिनिट के लिये ढककर रख दीजिये ताकि आम हल्के से नरम हो जाय.

अचार बन गया है, लेकिन आम के टुकड़े अभी पूरी तरह मुलायम नहीं हुये है.  अचार को किसी कांच या प्लास्टिक के कन्टेनर में भरकर धूप में या रूम के अन्दर 4- 5 दिनों के लिये रख दीजिये और दिन में एक बार अचार को चलाकर ऊपर नीचे कर दीजिये.

अब आम के टुकड़े नरम हो गये हैं.  अचार में इतना तेल डाल दीजिये कि अचार तेल में डुबा रहे.

आम का अचार अब आप जब इच्छा हो निकालिये और खाइये.  यह अचार 1 साल तक आप खा सकते हैं.

सुझाव: अचार बनाते समय जो भी बर्तन स्तेमाल करें, वे सब सूखे और साफ हों, अचार में किसी तरह की नमी और गन्दगी नहीं जानी चाहिये.

अचार के लिये कन्टेनर कांच या प्लास्टिक को हो, कन्टेनर को उबलते पानी से धोइये और धूप में अच्छी तरह सुखा लीजिये. कन्टेनर को ओवन में भी सुखाया जा सकता है.

जब भी अचार कन्टेनर से निकालें, साफ और सूखे चम्मच का प्रयोग कीजिये. हफ्ते में 1 बार अचार को चमचे से चलाकर ऊपर नीचे कर दीजिये.

अगर धूप है, तब अचार को 3 महिने में 1 दिन के लिये धूप में रख दीजिये, अचार बहुत दिन तक चलते हैं और स्वादिष्ट भी रहते हैं.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Rajasthani Moong Dal Halwa Recipe


100 gms Moong Dal 
200 gms Ghee 
100 gms Sugar 
1/2 glass Water 
10 pieces Badam 
5 pieces Pista 
4-5 Currants 

How to make Moong Dal Halwa:

  • Soak moong dal for two hours and then grind it and keep aside. Heat ghee in a pan and put the moong dal in it.
  • Saute on low flame till it turns golden brown and leaves a distinct aroma. Remove from the flame and set aside.
  • Heat water in a pan, add sugar and boil the mixture till sugar melts.
  • Put the moong dal mixture in this sugar syrup and cook on a low flame till the dal and sugar blends well.
  • Remove moong dal ka halwa from the flame and decorate it with chopped dry fruits. Serve.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Make Moong Dal Kachori at Home

Moong Dal Kachori:-

Preparation Time : 1-2 hour
Cooking Time : 20-30 minutes
Servings : 4
Refined flour (maida) - 2 cups
Ghee - 1/4 cup
Salt to taste
Split green gram skinless (dhuli moong dal) - 1/2 cup
Oil - 3 tablespoons + for frying
Cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon
Asafoetida - 1/4 teaspoon
Ginger-green chilli paste - 1 teaspoon
Red chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
Garam masala powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Dry mango powder (amchur) - 1/2 teaspoon
Gram flour (besan) - 2 tablespoons
Salt to taste
1. Combine all the ingredients for the covering and knead into a semi-soft dough using a little water.
2. Divide the dough into twelve equal parts and keep covered with a damp muslin cloth.
3. Soak moong dal for an hour and drain.
4. Heat three tablespoons oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds and asafoetida.
5. When the seeds begin to change colour, add the drained moong dal and sauté for a few seconds.
6. Add the ginger-green chilli paste, red chilli powder, garam masala powder, amchur powder, gram flour and salt and stir for five minutes till the masalas are cooked.
7. Cool and divide into twelve equal portions.
8. Shape each portion into an even sized ball and keep aside.
9. Roll out each portion of the dough into a small diskette.
10. Place one portion of the filling in the centre of the diskette.
11. Cover the filling with the dough by slowly stretching it over the filling. Seal the ends tightly and remove any excess dough.
12. Roll out each filled portion lightly into a small circle ensuring that the filling does not spill out. Gently press the centre of the kachori with your thumb. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling.
13. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. Deep-fry the kachoris in hot oil over low heat till golden brown on both sides. The kachoris should puff up like puris.

How to make samosa at home..

Samosa Recipe-Traditional Potato Samosa Recipe-How to make Samosa


 Making traditional samosa at home is not as difficult as we all think. If you follow the cooking instructions given below, you can make delicious samosas at home. Though I have used potato stuffing, you can add steamed vegetables like carrot, beans, peas along with potatoes and make vegetable samosa. I have already posted onion samosa, today we will see how to make the traditional samosa with potato filling.

Samosa Recipe-Traditional Samosa Recipe with Potato filling

Samosa Recipe

 Prep Time : 20 mins
 Cook Time : 30 mins 
 Yields: 10-12 samosas
 Recipe CategorySnacks
 Recipe CuisineIndian

   Ingredients needed (for outer cover)

   All purpose flour/ maida - 1 cup
   Carom seeds/Ajwain/omam - 1/4 tsp (optional)
   Oil - 1 tbsp
   Salt - approx 1/2 tsp

   Ingredients for the potato filling

   Onion - 1
   Green chilli -1
   Ginger - 1/2 inch piece

   Potato - 3 medium size
   Coriander leaves - few (optional)

   Chilli powder -1 tsp
   Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
   Coriander powder -1 tsp
   Cumin powder -1/2 tsp

   Lemon juice to taste

   For the seasoning

   Oil - 1 tbsp
   Cumin seeds/jeera seeds -1 tsp
Method for preparing the outer cover
In a bowl mix together all purpose flour, salt and oil nicely with your finger tips.The flour should be well mixed with the oil. This is done to get crispy samosas.

Then add carom seeds, water little at a time and make a stiff dough.

Cover it with a damp cloth (to prevent it from drying) and let the dough rest for 20 minutes. In the meantime we will prepare the stuffing.

Preparation for stuffing

Pressure cook potatoes, peel the skin and cut it into cubes or mash it slightly.

Finely chop onions, ginger and green chilli.


Heat oil in a kadai/pan, add jeera seeds, when it sizzles, add onions, ginger, green chillies and saute until onions turn transparent.

Then add coriander powder, turmeric powder, chilli powder, cumin powder and salt needed. Mix well, cook for 2-3 minutes.

Add cubed potatoes, coriander leaves and mix well. Switch off the flame.

Add few drops of lemon juice to taste. Now our potato stuffing is ready.

samosa dough and potato filling

We will proceed to prepare the samosas -

What you need - oil for deep frying samosas

Make balls from the dough depending on the size of samosas needed. If you want a small samosa, make a small ball and a slightly bigger ball for a bigger samosa.

Now take a ball of dough and roll it out very thinly in an oval or round shape. You do not have to be too perfect. Cut it into half as shown in the picture below.

Traditional samosa preparation

Now wet the straight side with little water using your finger tips.

Fold it in such a way that you get a cone (see picture below). First bring one edge to the center, then bring the other edge and place it overlapping the first. Now you will get a cone as shown below.

making samosa

Fill the cone with potato stuffing. See to it that you fill even the tip of the cone.

Now wet the circumference of the cone with water using your finger tips for sticking.

Stick together and fold it. If there is excess length at the back, you can make a pleat (see first pic below) and then fold it to form a triangle. Make it sit and shape it nicely. You can make a design using a fork.(see picture below)

Wow!! Look at the triangular shaped samosa with potato filling inside sitting beautifully.

How to make samosa

Now repeat the same process for the rest of the dough. All the samosas are sitting (pic below) waiting to be fried in oil.

Now heat oil in a kadai. To check if the oil is hot enough, drop a small piece of dough into the oil, if it raises to the surface immediately, then the oil is hot enough to fry the samosas.

Now reduce the flame to medium and maintain the same oil temperature throughout frying. Drop 2-3 samosas into the oil gently and fry both sides until golden brown.

Fry the rest of the samosas in the same way.

potato samosa

Now you can make lovely samosas just like you get in hotels and road side stalls at your home itself.

Serve Samosa with green chutney or tomato ketchup.

I am sure you will love my Onion Samosa Recipe with step wise pictures and cooking instructions and also my collection of Indian Snacks Recipes.

Note -I have not yet tried baking samosas. Once I try it, I will update it here.

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